Kamis, 26 September 2013

If only you were here…

If only you were here…

I’d love to cook your favorite chicken biryani’s and prove to be a caring wife.

I’d love to dress up more perfectly and beautifully, only for you.

I’d love to be your fan and umm… ahh… at your cooking experiments.

I’d love to spend my days and nights listening to you; and lessening your heartaches.

I’d love to take you out on a date and do the honors of paying the bill.

And, I’d love swap places: be the breadwinner and not just be the supporting force in your life.

If only you were here...

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Yes, my hubby dear expects these aforesaid things from me; and I really wish to translate these expectations into reality sooner than later. 
The inspiration for these 100 words stem from the book P.S. I Love You. Started reading it a couple of days back and literally speaking, I'm loving it so far.

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