Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

2 States - Read 2 States, to Develop a Broader Outlook In Life

Interesting read, a book written out-and-out for the Indian audience. Highly melodramatic yet mesmerizing, incredibly comprehensible yet compelling.  So this makes you complete the book in one sitting. The book has two hooks to be very precise. One, it more or less revolves around the IIM-A culture, offers a few insights on the sort of food, the kind of lifestyle students lead within the campus. Second, the book obviously speaks about the two states- Punjab and Tamil Nadu where Krish and Ananya respectively hail from.

Anyone and everyone who reads the book will able to relate with the characters effortlessly, given that every second couple in India has to unfortunately go through the same experiences. Little wonder then a Bollywood film is in the offing based on the book.

The book talks about the struggle, Krish, a north Indian Punjabi boy, had to undergo to convince Ananya (Tamilian Brahmin girl) parents to let them marry. Krish influences future bro-in-law with his charm first, by and by he captures the hearts of Ananya's father and mother as well. Once Krish succeeds, it's his girlfriend's turn to influence her future in-laws. However, Ananya fails miserably, for she is a bad cook. Anaya has never entered a kitchen all her life, let alone do some cooking. Come to think of it, a female who is into cooking and stuff, can she manage the heavy-duty stuff of the IIMs.

The catch is that both don't want to elope and be married, rather the duo wish to solemnize their marriage with the blessings of their parents. As a result, both Krish and Ananya had to go great lengths while convincing not just their parents, but in-laws as well. In addition, the thought that in India, you don't marry the girl or guy, in fact you end up marrying the family is nicely brought out. For instance, Krish gets 4 gold rings to propose girl's entire family. Chetan has taken digs at both the Punjabi and Tamilian culture. When it comes to Punjabi's he speaks about the obese women and their cravings for food. On the contrary, south Indian's are more into classical music and are studious types, who love to keep a study silence more often not.

The premise is realistic and draws your attention to the cultural differences in diverse India. One should read the book once, if only to be reminded of what lovers from diverse communities go through at the hands of their families. How love is invariably at the mercy of societal, familial norms. And how a man perpetually finds himself torn between his girlfriend/wife and mother?

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